Tuesday 13 December 2011

super model doing super things !!!

we spent the last couple of religion class's watching a movie called "desert flower " the story is about Waris Dire , i wont go into details , but the main message is that Waris is a very inspirational woman who is using her fame as a super model to help others  , we are now doing story lines of the film , i will post my groups pic as soon as i can :) - keep in mind i cant draw !!!!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

caitriona 's blog is the best ...way better than the rest !!

 caitriona has an amazing blog , this is my nomination for her for best student blog in the Edublogs competition.!!!
  her blog is sooo gr8 check it out here is the link to her blog :))

(i had planed on making my nomination for her rhyme but it is so hard , i really don't know how she does it !! fair play to her : D )

balet and opera :)

this friday we are all heading off to see a ballet , last week we went to see an opera , i wouldn't say that opera is my favourite thing ... i thought it was very long and it dragged on , my friend who was sitting beside me  (lisa )was asleep for more or less the whole opera ! hopefully she will manage to stay awake for some of the ballet . i have never seen a ballet and im really excited to see whats its like :) - we will find out soon enough if it is good or if it will make Lisa fall asleep

Thursday 24 November 2011

Work expeirence is over

its over , i am back to school , secondary school . i loved work experience it was great , i had so much fun . the kids in my class were so cute and funny !! we had to do this dance called the cuckoo and we went to see the pantomime Aladdin - i did so much and now it is over : ( , i wish i could do it all over again ... you never know maybe i will find a magic lamp  : ) - cheesiest  line ever but still ......

Thursday 10 November 2011

Work Expeirience : ) is almost here !!!

Next week , i will be going to a primary school for my work experience as a primary school teacher .I'm not sure if i would be a good teacher so this is a good time too find out  , i will probably be in a class with the Junior infants or the senior infants - a class full of five or six year old kids  - yeah that will be interesting ....
I am really looking forward too it , i think it sounds fun and i get a week off of school (but than i am going to another school so ... )  : D !

Tuesday 8 November 2011

not my cup of tea .....

today  i did tech for the first time , I soon learned , that it is not for me ......We started to make key chains (personally i would just go to the shop and buy a key chain  ) We are making them , there is a lot of work involved , there is tons of measuring and using  a compass and other things (i don't know what they are called ) , No i  didn't like it , i was scared that i was going to scalp myself with the ( i think very dangerous ) machinery  , yeah it is not my cup of tea , but you never know that could all change ..... i doubt it though ! : L

Thursday 27 October 2011

mrs L challange ...wtite a sentence with only pics

Well it is kind of obvious but still .....can you guess what it is ?

We are not only famous for our Guinness

Yesterday we had a talk about  Celbridge (where we live ) because Celbridge is "a historic town" up until yesterday evening i thought it was because Arthur Guinness , the guy who invented Guinness was born here ,and lived here but it turns out we are not only famous for our beer ...... we learned about castle town house and they man that lived their first , He was a odd man he lived rich but wanted to buried with the poor - whatever your into i guess .... We found out where our school got its name from and learned about the bombing of the bridge and get this NEW YORK city got its name from someone who was from Celbridge - the mayor of New york was from , Celbridge  . The talk was really interesting and i learned a lot of stuff , the sign posts are right when they say "welcome to Celbridge , Historic town "

Tuesday 25 October 2011

guess who got a leading role in the musical !!!

If you guessed me than you are WRONG not that i didn't get a crucially important role , I am the raffle ticket seller , yeah a lot of skill is required there ...I had  signed up for wardrobe , directing , prop managing (and many more ) ...but the only one i got was selling raffle tickets , i didn't even get to sell the normal tickets !! - i just hope that i don't have to pay in to the musical .... well i have to go and reherse my lines - that i dont have : '(

Tuesday 18 October 2011

to dublin's fair city

well tomorrow we will be going to town to see the play Juno and the paycock - its is wrote in the Dub accent so it really is Juno and the peacock .....we are also gonna see a Yeats exhibit (Yeats is a dead poet ) and other museums , we get to see the oh so attractieve bog boddies - i actually really want to see them and because i am sooooooo healthy i m gonna go macdonalds !!!! Yep IM LOVIN IT

Tuesday 11 October 2011

the blog father

i love that name "the blog father" i really wish i had thought of it before i named my blog "emmas blog" - i mean to say you can not get more boring or unoriginal than that : L , tomorrow i shall be going to newbridge with mini company - that is if i remember my permission slip , i like going to thoose mini company you get out of class , and there are other schools there too and once again you get out of class , if history or creative writing were on tomorrow i wouldn't be to pushed about going  , love thoose subjects

educating essex

watched educating Essex this week , i felt so bad for Gaby - the poor thing : ' ( those girls were so mean to her ,  sending someone threatening texts is not funny its stupid and sad anyways they only made themselves look bad , to do something horrrible like that is one thing but to do it knowing you could end up on tv - thats rediculous - i hope they learned a lesson .... : L and than there was Sam , sam was Gabys opposite lets leave it at that

Thursday 6 October 2011

My bucket list .....for the week

Hi , today the sub that we have - told us to write about 5 things we want to do before the week ends or for next week (one of them ) - well here it is .....
1 . I want to come up with an idea that will make me a billionaire (Bill Gates rich )  in mini company
2 . I want to be branded as the next Einstein in science for my spectacular inventions (once i come up with 1)
3. Instead of virtually doing a tour of the world i want to actually get on a boat , plane , camel or any other form of transportation so that i can actually take a tour of the world .
4.Become world famous for my amazing (non - existant ) fashion design abilities in home ecc
5. I want  to become an decent 1920's dancer -no rediculous comment for this one getting me to remember thoose moves is next to impossible as is

There is a 99.% chance that none of the above will come true but i was not told to be realistic when i wrote this and there is still a 1 %  chance  : D : D <3 <3

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Bill Cullen eat your heart out !!

well , i would love to talk about all the great and exciting things that we did this week in Ty but all in all it was fairly quiet we went to a school mass ( if that counts ) it was long and religious ....... it is Wednesday today and as of yet NOTHING  particularly interesting has happened but that could change within the next hour cause we have mini company next , our group has a really good idea - well i think its a good idea - so good that we will probably be billionaires before Ty ends , yeah i wouldn't be surprised if Bill Cullen or Lord sugar used our ideas in the apprentice or even became investors in our buisness.... yeah none of that was true except for the bit where i said i thought it was a good idea i really do thinks its cool , i mean not billionaires by the end of Ty but millionaires , that is definitely i the cards -JK - : ))
till next time xoxox Emma

Thursday 15 September 2011


I am so happy to say that I survived my Junior cert , I got my results and I am really happy , 11 honours  : D - I was shocked to say the least , before I got them I was so nervous but once I opened the envelope I was relieved ... Result night was some buzz probally one of the best nights of my life , the next moning was probally the worst morning of my life I was so tired and hated getting p for school i was dead on my feet ,I'd like to say that as the day went on I woke up but i didn't , I was half awake -if that counts ... I am thrilled with my reslts , thrilled with results and thrilled to say that i can go to bed soon ; ) xxxx

carlingford !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carlingford was amazing ! I love laser its my favourite game eva ; ) I did the rock climbing and got to the top , I was shaking like a leaf the whole time,  but I did it. I even did ab sailing - glad I did it but won't be doing it again any time soon . Had such a laugh with everyone , it was really nice to chat and get to know people I wouldn't usually talk to , it was just as nice to get to talk to lads  from another Ty ........... .
I didn't like the long hikes , some hills were so steep that you had to crawl up them , needless to say my legs were killing me - but I was having such a good time that I didn't care .I would go to  Carlingford again in a heartbeat (even if it means that I have to get up at 6am again ) xx

Thursday 8 September 2011

did social development on tuesday it was soooo much fun !!!!!! learned loads of stuff about body language and tone of voice and  all about the importance of a good hand shake : ))  had such a laugh it was great g2g and work on some projects xxxx

Friday 2 September 2011

ty ....

first week in ty is now finished !! it was really fun especially  thursday i LOVE the 1920 dances .. great week but i am so glad the weekends here : D
G2G xx