Tuesday 31 January 2012

Spring is a'coming

Spring is tomorrow ! . Come tomorrow we don't have to wear gloves , hats ,scarves and heavy coats -this isn't really true , considering it is Ireland we will probably still have to wear them . Tomorrow is not just the beginning of Spring it is also Saint Brigids day . Saint Brigid is Known as Kildare's saint .Our school is in Kildare and most of the people in our school are from Kildare so saint Brigid's day is a big deal here to show everyone just how much of a big deal it is we have a blog all about saint Brigid .There is a ton of info about saints Brigid .The blog is definitely worth looking at .

Tuesday 24 January 2012

death in the theatre

Today all of transition year went to Mullingar (Niall Horan is from here :) ) .We went to see plays , two of the transition year class's performed plays. My class( class fódla ) were the audience - the best audience ever !!
The plays were really good both class's did two plays , one based on a poem - one class did "Titch Miller" and the other class did "Midterm break" . For their second play they wrote their own script . - You could not tell that they wrote the script because they were so professional .The plays were all really upsetting (in a good way they were supposed to be sad ) - in every play a character had died.
I thought all the plays were amazing , the acting was brilliant - i really felt for all the characters , the music was affective . Everything was great i had a really great day and i would watch all the plays all over again , i can honestly say that everyone one who was involved in the plays did a fantastic job .

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Young Scientist

Even though our project didn't get through to young scientist  , i get to go to the RDS with the rest of Ty to look at the projects that did get through . I am looking forward to it not just because its a day off school but also because i will get to see my friends project that did get through and you always get loads of free stuff at the young scientist  , it is a really fun day so i can't wait .!! :)